Sunday English Club December 2021 wrap up!
Popsicle Stick Christmas Ornaments
Hello! Merry be-lated Christmas to you! Thank you for stopping by to check out what we have been doing in Sunday English Club this month. Because Christmas comes this month we made popsicle stick Christmas character ornaments. We used many materials like felt, bells, googly eyes, and tempera paint. Each student made three decorations. We were so busy making the crafts that we didn't have much time play games this month but I am looking forward to playing games and doing some activities next month.
Please check out what we made! S-chan and A-kun did a really good job making the ornaments!
They all turned out really well! They are both very good at making crafts! Do you know what they made? Answer: (Penguin, reindeer, elf, santa, snowman)
This was our last Sunday English Club for this year but we are looking forward to seeing you in January.
We will meet once in January on January 29th. We will be making magic sand and doing some activities and playing games. We can’t wait to see you!
Make your reservations by contacting us at 0742-32-1157 or feel free to contact us by email at
Thank you and hope to see you soon!
Please have a happy, safe, and healthy new year!