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  • Sunday English Club January-March 2022 Schedule

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Sunday English Club January-March 2022 Schedule

SEC January -March 2022 Schedule

Thank you for you interest in the Sunday English Club for elementary students grades 1-3. This is an announcement that SEC will only meet four more times this school year. We have some exciting activities and crafts planned so if you have time and are interested please contact us any time to make reservations or for more details. 

Please check the flier which is attached to this blog entry for more details.

We will meet on the following days:

Sunday January 30, Science Craft. It is a secret what we will be making but it will be fun!! You will be able to take home what you made!

Sunday February 6& 20,Glue Gun Craft. We will use a glue gun to make some interesting and exciting things. You will be able to take what you made home with you!

Sunday March 6, Pipe cleaner Craft. We will pipe cleaners to make whatever you want For example animals and decorations etc. You will be able to take what you made home with you!

We hope you can come to join on these days!

Thank you! 






